Wednesday, November 21, 2007


For some very obscure reason, getting rid of a cigarette butt in a graceful gesture, right on the sidewalk, is not considered littering by most people in North American culture.

I was once a smoker, and I was once in Japan, where I was thrilled to show my savoir-faire by throwing my dying cigarette far in the middle of the street. While I was expecting applause and enthusiasm, I only got an horrified look from my fellow smoker friends. Not only smoking is forbidden while walking in Tokyo, but getting rid of a cigarette by throwing it, even in the most expert and graceful way, is considered littering and can result in a 20,000 yen fine.

That is the reason why smokers in Tokyo have the smart habit to carry a portable ashtray, smell and fire proof. No need to go to Japan to buy your own: many online boutiques will be happy to deliver it at your door! Some are ugly, some are trendy. A good way to reduce your environmental impact as a smoker...

Smoking in Tokyo:

Ontario War Against Butts:


Anonymous said...

I find film canisters make excellent portable ashtrays by the way... a must for camping trips out to serene and undisturbed lakes. :)

- adam

Christine Renaud said...

Right on.
I forgot how much you love them.
Are you still a smoker???