Friday, November 23, 2007


Some choose to boycott it, some choose to simply ignore it. Others will go for some organic/fair trade somethin' somethin' or to spend the night at a shelter. During Christmas season, most of us simply spend hundreds of dollars on gifts that are most likely to end up in the closet, or on a paper bag underneath the bed. offers a new and innovative alternative: to allow your dear ones to contribute in a cause which is meaningful to them. For instance, for $50 gift, you can: feed a Brazilian child for a month; offer an American artist a one-hour session with a coach; buy a goat to a woman in Ethiopia who can then start her own business; or provide a literacy-kit for an elderly person to tutor a K-4 child.

1 comment:

krochetkids said...

Social innovation refers to new strategies, concepts, ideas and organizations that meet social needs of all kinds — from working conditions and education to community development and health — that extend and strengthen civil society.

social innovation