Wednesday, November 28, 2007 - Reach out to the Social Change Folks

The moment I registered to Facebook is a turning point in my life. OK, that's an overstatement, but honestly, I got back in touch with people I didn't even know still exist and got to share my work and ideas which brought me to meet like-minded people. That means compulsively post things on Ashoka or Idealist's wall.

What do DJ Hurricane (Beastie Boys) and Glenn Toby (world's famous financial adviser and philanthropist) have in common? They are part of the network, a new way to reach out to the social change folks!

Founded by Chris Advansun, Alex and Pablo Salzman, three fellow Canadians, this online platform was launched last September. By definition, rethos is a "a revision of fundamental beliefs or attitudes; a shift in focus and objective for a culture or era." That is precisely what aims to create: a worldwide network of like-minded individuals, organizations and businesses from all fields who won't buy into the status quo and who infuse social justice in all they do.

I just created my profile, to give you an idea of the possibilities:

And here is their video:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Launching Rethos has been an adventure, and we couldn't have done it without the help of devoted community members like Christine. We thank you for your support.

Much like Social Innovation Hunter, Rethos seeks to bring together the growing world of passionate social innovators. Whether you work in the non-profit sector, the corporate world or some strange and creative overlap thereof, we welcome you to the Rethos community. We believe that, irrespective of your background or skill set, the political party you support or the sector in which you earn your living, you are an agent capable of driving positive change.

We launched Rethos' beta version in September and have been in close communication with our early adopters in order to adjust to our community's needs and introduce new features. We invite readers of Social Innovation Hunter to be a part of this exciting process. Visit today, create a personal profile, ally with some organizations and individuals who share your interests and send us some feedback on your experience.

I look forward to seeing you all on Rethos.

Many thanks,

Chris Advansun
Rethos Co-Founder